Inline code formatting issues with newlines, template literals
Closed this issue · 3 comments
What package is the bug related to?
Describe the issue
I found a few cases where inline code doesn't get rendered properly. I think they are related but might be separate issues. The two cases are:
- The output contains newlines (seen in index signatures and constructor overrides)
- The output contains a template literal type
I created an example repository with the TypeScript code that causes these cases as well as a custom theme I hacked together that overrides some partials to produce output that renders correctly (at least on GitHub):
The readme shows a diff of the original vs modified markdown output as well as a script that can be run to generate it.
Here are the specific cases as well:
template literals
#### Returns
#### Returns
asserts i is \`sha512-$\{string\}\`
#### Returns
i is \`sha512-$\{string\}\`
constructor overrides
###### Overrides
index signatures
#### Index Signature
\| \`git·$\{string\}·$\{string\} $\{string\}\`
\| \`remote·$\{string\}·$\{string\} $\{string\}\`\]:
\| \`dev git·$\{string\}·$\{string\}\`
\| \`dev remote·$\{string\}·$\{string\}\`
\| \`prod git·$\{string\}·$\{string\}\`
\| \`prod remote·$\{string\}·$\{string\}\`
TypeDoc configuration
"entryPoints": ["./src/*"],
"name": "Example",
"outputFileStrategy": "modules",
"mergeReadme": false,
"entryFileName": "",
"disableSources": true,
"excludeScopesInPaths": true,
"useCodeBlocks": true,
"hideBreadcrumbs": true,
"hidePageHeader": true,
"hidePageTitle": true,
"readme": "none",
"plugin": ["typedoc-plugin-markdown"]
Expected behavior
Here is the markdown output I expect in the cases above:
template literals
#### Returns
`` `sha512-${string}` ``
#### Returns
`` asserts i is `sha512-${string}` ``
#### Returns
`` i is `sha512-${string}` ``
constructor overrides
###### Overrides
index signatures
#### Index Signature
| `git·${string}·${string} ${string}`
| `remote·${string}·${string} ${string}`]:
| `dev git·${string}·${string}`
| `dev remote·${string}·${string}`
| `prod git·${string}·${string}`
| `prod remote·${string}·${string}`
thank you @lukekarrys this is super useful. I am working through the use cases.
@lukekarrys fixes in typedoc-plugin-markdown@4.4.0.
Here is a diff on the example repository lukekarrys/typedoc-markdown-hacks@main...tgreyuk:typedoc-fixes
I think things are looking pretty good.
Let me know if you find more use-cases.
Thanks again
Thanks @tgreyuk! I updated to the latest version and everything looks great without any manual theming now, so I'm going to close this.