Documentation and usage
kristianmandrup opened this issue · 4 comments
I would love to see the README expanded with links to your new test examples and some more explanations for when/how to use this library and the rationale behind it.
Also if you could, please include some info on how you see it used in a real life (React) app ;)
Thanks :)
PS: Also not sure about how to use the babel-plugin you mentioned for a real world use case. Perhaps create a datascript-mori-react-app
example in a separate repo?
@kristianmandrup You are absolutely right! Soon I will add to the README examples and motivation for using.
Perhaps create a datascript-mori-react-app example in a separate repo?
This project(and other related) were made to use in one React-DataScript application - I want to make Datascript-Devtools(like Redux-Devtools) for inspect and manage Datascript db in any application(with time travel(remote and local)). I think this is would good example and useful app :)
But I will use Rxjs with Datascript, that probably is not very good for example App. I'll think about a simpler example App. Maybe simple ToDoMVC? What do you think about it?
Thanks @typeetfunc :)
I've been building a slush TypeScript React generator, and would like to build a sub- generator for adding Datascript/Mori to a React app.
RxJs, ah yes. I should add that as well. Maybe we can collaborate. Did you think about or look into using TypeScript? Just like ES6 with types, enums and other goodies... (all optional)
@kristianmandrup I have updated README. What do you think about new README?
You project is very insterested. Also Typescript looks good. I can try to add WIP version of sub-generator for React App with datascript-mori
Very nice! So much better :)