
Example 4 builds fine but does not recognize input parameters

jstr045329 opened this issue · 2 comments

When I run:

$ git clone https://path/to/repo
$ atlas install --dependencies-only
$ atlas build

That all works fine. Then I type:

$ etlas run -- 1 2 2 4

And get this:

etlas: Unknown target '1'.
There is no component '1'.
The project has no package '1'.

@jstr045329 Thanks for filing the issue. The README is a bit outdated. The latest etlas doesn't support etlas run -- 1 2 2 4.

I've just updated the README with the latest command etlas run matrix-ex -- 1 2 3 4.

Let me know if encounter anymore problems.

Closing this issue since it is resolved with the updated README!