
'install' command

georgefst opened this issue · 3 comments

As far as I can tell etlas install doesn't actually do anything. Whichever combination of flags I use, there is no sign that build products have been placed anywhere.

In particular, I want to influence where the .jar I build is placed, but running etlas install --bindir=foo does not put anything in the directory foo.

The only alternative seems to be to run etlas build and manually copy it from deep in dist.

What is your os? I am afraid install doesnt work in windows yet (see #64)

For *nix systems i think the appropiate cli option would be --symlink-bindir (etlas uses the cabal v2-install by default)

I'm on Linux. At the time of posting this I was on my work laptop (Ubuntu 16), but I've just tried it on my home system (Manjaro) and found the same behaviour, even with --symlink-bindir.

I use cabal v2- on a daily basis, and was expecting etlas to work in mostly the same way.

I see, could you share the output of etlas install -v3 to get a more verbose output? (it should include the version of etlas too)