
error installing hpack

amilkov3 opened this issue · 3 comments

Several packages fail to install via etlas install hpack:

etlas: Error: some packages failed to install:
Cabal- depends on Cabal- which failed to
hpack-0.25.0-2iN83w07o4UEz86J7mimhV depends on hpack-0.25.0 which failed to
unix- failed during the building phase. The
exception was:
ExitFailure 1

my etlas version is

hpack depends on yaml package which has yet to be ported (typelead/eta#607).

Moreover, we'll need to patch the Cabal library to remove the platform-specific stuff.

ah ok gotcha. yea im just installing these through stack for now (needed hpack to build the intellij-eta project) so feel free to close this, unless there isn't already a todo ticket for porting Cabal

Filed an issue here: typelead/eta-hackage#76

Closing now.