
NullPointerException when adding Git dependency

NickSeagull opened this issue · 3 comments

When adding a git dependency to the dependencies, Gradle crashes with a NullPointerException.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone the eta-init project
  2. Add the following to the dependencies section:
    compile eta(package:  'eta-spark-core',
              location: 'https://github.com/Jyothsnasrinivas/eta-spark-core',
              branch:   'master')
  3. Run ./gradlew run
  4. Crash

Additional Information

Tried on Ubuntu 16.04 (WSL), and Windows 10 x64.

Tried with other packages like dhall-eta and eta-prelude.


Thanks for reporting! Was able to reproduce. I'll add a git dependency example to the test suite so we catch this sort of regression in the future.

Fixed in 0.8.0

Great, thanks!!