
Missing From The Installed Package Index

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to build a project that recursively depends on a happy generated parser, and the eta-gradle plugin cannot build it. To get a repro:

1. git clone https://github.com/typelead/eta-init
2. cd eta-init
3. ./gradlew run

So far so good.
The problem occurs when we add a dependency. Update the build.gradle file to have

plugins {
    id 'com.typelead.eta' version '0.8.0'
    id 'application'

eta {
    version = '0.8.6b3'
    etlasVersion = ''

dependencies {
  compile eta('base:', 'haskell-src-meta')

Then run ./graldew run again and you'll get an error

etlas: The following packages in the elaborated install plan are missing from
the installed package index:

Notably, a folder with that name appears in my .etlas/store/eta-, but it does not get mentioned in .etlas/store/eta- Seems suspicious. For what it's worth, same thing happens with dependencies on alex.

This issue is preventing me from using gradle, which is not great.
Workaround for now is to have a make file that does all the etlas, javac, proguard stuff myself.

@zstone1 Thanks - was able to reproduce this. It seems to be an issue with the etlas deps command implementation. We'll add this to our queue.

Do you have a preferred timeline by which you'd like this fixed? I can prioritize accordingly.

Excellent, glad you can repro. I don't have any critical timeline issues here. I have a workaround make file which will keep me unblocked for now. Thanks for the quick response!