Recursive parser creates infinite loop.
Ktedon opened this issue · 1 comments
Ktedon commented
Scala Version: 3.1.0
Cats-Parse Version: 0.3.6
I wrote a parser for Java-esque types but it seems be failing when I call it from itself to handle nested constructors.
trait Token
case class Identifier(token: String) extends Token
case class ArbitraryOrderType(name: Identifier, types: ArbitraryOrderType*)
case class TypeLiteral(token: ArbitraryOrderType) extends Token
val identifier: Parser[Identifier] =
(alpha | digit) => new Identifier(id.toString))
val singleOrderType: Parser[ArbitraryOrderType] = (
).map(id => new ArbitraryOrderType(id))
lazy val typeLiteral: Parser[TypeLiteral] = (
singleOrderType ~ (singleOrderType.backtrack | typeLiteral)
.between(Parser.char('<'), Parser.char('>'))
).map(literal => new TypeLiteral(literal._1))
When I run something like this:
The program does not appear to terminate. I could be doing something wrong because I'm not too familiar with Scala 3 yet but this seems pretty straightforward to me. Am I being silly or is this something wrong with the library?
johnynek commented
You can't actually evaluate that lazy val because to evaluate it you need it.
Try using Parser.recursive
val typeLiteral = Parser.recursive[TypeLiteral] { rec =>
(singleOrderType ~ (singleOrderType.backtrack | rec)
.between(Parser.char('<'), Parser.char('>'))
).map(literal => new TypeLiteral(literal._1))
scala> val typeLiteral = Parser.recursive[TypeLiteral] { rec =>
| (singleOrderType ~ (singleOrderType.backtrack | rec)
| .between(Parser.char('<'), Parser.char('>'))
| ).map(literal => new TypeLiteral(literal._1)) }
val typeLiteral: cats.parse.Parser[TypeLiteral] = Map(Prod(Map(Rep(CharIn(48, bitSet = ..., NonEmptyList((0,9), (A,Z), (a,z))),1,2147483647,cats.parse.Accumulator$$anon$12@55f487f4),AndThen$1484182628),Map(Prod(Void(CharIn(60, bitSet = ..., NonEmptyList((<,<)))),Prod(OneOf(List(Backtrack(Map(Rep(CharIn(48, bitSet = ..., NonEmptyList((0,9), (A,Z), (a,z))),1,2147483647,cats.parse.Accumulator$$anon$12@55f487f4),AndThen$1484182628)), Defer(cats.parse.Parser$$$Lambda$9736/1881068785@5e9a50ab))),Void(CharIn(62, bitSet = ..., NonEmptyList((>,>)))))),cats.parse.Parser$$Lambda$9737/449419071@51914cf2)),$Lambda$9738/1560428785@7375990)
scala> typeLiteral.parse("foo<bar>")
val res4: Either[cats.parse.Parser.Error,(String, TypeLiteral)] = Right((,TypeLiteral(ArbitraryOrderType(Identifier(NonEmptyList(f, o, o)),List()))))
scala> typeLiteral.parse("foo")
val res5: Either[cats.parse.Parser.Error,(String, TypeLiteral)] = Left(Error(3,NonEmptyList(InRange(3,<,<))))
scala> typeLiteral.parse("foo<foo2<bar>>")
val res6: Either[cats.parse.Parser.Error,(String, TypeLiteral)] = Left(Error(8,NonEmptyList(InRange(8,>,>))))
you still have some issues with the parser however. I think you want .?
on the between.