flakey test: X cats.parse.ParserTest.a.flatMap(b) composes as expected parser00
johnynek opened this issue · 0 comments
johnynek commented
I think this is a case of the flatMap optimization exposing a better error message (flatMap where the left is a known value is the same as a product).
==> X cats.parse.ParserTest.a.flatMap(b) composes as expected parser00 0.218s munit.ComparisonFailException: /home/runner/work/cats-parse/cats-parse/core/shared/src/test/scala/cats/parse/ParserTest.scala:1131
1131: assertEquals(indirect, directResult)
1132: }
values are not the same
=> Obtained
value = Error(
failedAtOffset = 0,
expected = NonEmptyList(
head = OneOfStr(
offset = 0,
strs = List(
" s(\\).YYZ"
tail = List(
offset = 0,
lower = '\u0000',
upper = '\uffff'
=> Diff (- obtained, + expected)
expected = NonEmptyList(
- head = OneOfStr(
+ head = InRange(
offset = 0,
- strs = List(
- " s(\\).YYZ"
- )
+ lower = '\u0000',
+ upper = '\uffff'
- tail = List(
- InRange(
- offset = 0,
- lower = '\u0000',
- upper = '\uffff'
- )
- )
+ tail = Nil
Failing seed: w7VthRO-iPVJWFY3rXtWzH4b3xVthbeUio5nWNQeoUA=
You can reproduce this failure by adding the following override to your suite:
override val scalaCheckInitialSeed = "w7VthRO-iPVJWFY3rXtWzH4b3xVthbeUio5nWNQeoUA="
Falsified after 1104 passed tests.
> ARG_0: GenT(OneOf(List(Map(Void(AnyChar),<function1>), Map(Str( s(\).YYZ),<function1>))))
> ARG_1: ""
> ARG_2: org.scalacheck.GenArities$$Lambda$11873/1560244765@4d07dfbe