
Root `Path` is incorrectly handled in ScalaJS

InversionSpaces opened this issue · 4 comments

fs2 version: 3.9.3

Reproduction example:

import fs2.io.file.Path

val p = Path("/")

Outputs current working directory instead of / when run in JS.

Happens because of this code:

if (path.endsWith(sep))
new Path(path.dropRight(sep.length))
new Path(path)

Thanks for reporting! Since you've already identified the broken code, would you be interested to fix it as well? 😄

I am willing to provide a PR, but I am not quite sure how to fix that. I would just store user provided string inside Path, but the commit that added this sep drop is named bug fixing, so I guess it is needed for some reason to drop that sep?

I am not quite sure how to fix that.

It's possible that we may need to special-case this scenario.

so I guess it is needed for some reason to drop that sep

Can't remember at this point 😅 😬 you can try undoing that and see if any tests fail, and why.

Aha, probably to match JVM behavior.

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 3.3.0 (17.0.5, Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> java.nio.file.Paths.get("/foo/")
val res0: java.nio.file.Path = /foo