
Outdated Issues

i10416 opened this issue · 1 comments

These issues seem outdated.

  • #194 we have jmh benchmarks for Rational and SafeLong
  • #563 we now check docs with mdoc
  • #702 we now check docs with mdoc
  • #315 Docsite has guide and design sections.
  • #516 : change log for v0.16.1-SNAPSHOT says "disabled benchmarked depending on Caliper"
  • #818 fixed by 8989a66

Thanks, very helpful!

I'm leaving a few open:

  • #194: I think that issue is pointing out not that benchmarks are missing for Rational and SafeLong but that they are not sophisticated/realistic.
  • #702: provides an outline for the microsite of which seems like still lots to be done.
  • #315: the guide on the site is a user guide, not a developer style guide. The design notes also seems more focused on implementation details rather than overall style.