
More Units for medical needings

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for a few medical neddings I need more units. I have a labor report and need to"understand" that values and to be able to calculate the differnences to an special value and also to show the normal range. Also are their a few mor units which not be their.
Maybe do you have a workaround or a way to enhance them.

  1. I need femtoliters and picograms
object Picograms extends MassUnit with SiUnit {
  val conversionFactor = MetricSystem.Pico
  val symbol = "pg"
object Femtoliters extends VolumeUnit {
  val symbol = "fl"
  val conversionFactor = Litres.conversionFactor * MetricSystem.Femto
  1. Also their exists a unit called Unit. The Unit comes a long with the possible to set it to U/l (Units/liters). Their is no conversion to any other Unit. But it could be calculated to kiloUnits/liter or so on. What would be their the best way.
  2. Their a also a "range" of counted items on µl (like 4.73 Mio/µl) => this means 4.730.000 / µl
4730000 / milliliter //Leads to Any and not a specific Type

Do anyone have an idea?

Thanks a lot