
Shouldn't the cursor:help for abbr:hover only be when it has a title?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Starting at https://github.com/typeplate/typeplate-bower/blob/master/scss/_typeplate.scss#L681 we have

abbr {
    @include smallcaps($small-caps-color, $small-caps-weight);
    &:hover {
        cursor: help;

Taking a leaf from Normalize (which underlines it when it's an abbr with a title), perhaps change that to

abbr {
    @include smallcaps($small-caps-color, $small-caps-weight);
    &[title]:hover {
        cursor: help;

If that seems cool with you, I do have that ready - how would you want me to do the pull request?

Remind me why you would markup an abbreviation without a title attribute.

Well, the spec has the following to say about it:

Abbreviations whose presence needs to be semantically annotated, e.g. so that they can be identified from a style sheet and given specific styles, for which the abbr element can be used without a title attribute.

Where use-cases I can see is for instance using abbreviations that you are certain your intended audience will understand (e.g. HTML), or when the abbreviation has had it's full extension earlier in the document (yes, despite that each instance is technically independent of the other ones).

Ok sounds good. I would make a branch called feature/abbrtitle and then send your PR. You'll have to make this change in both Sass and CSS. I'll take care of updating the main repo. 👍

Alright, if there's something I'll need to fix, give me a holler.