
What would be considered attribution?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I noticed that this library is licensed under CC 3.0. What would be the correct way to attribute? Does including the following in the source code considered an attribution, or do the credits need to appear on the page?

URL ........... http://typeplate.com
Authors ....... Dennis Gaebel (@gryghostvisuals) & Zachary Kain (@zakkain)
License ....... Creative Commmons Attribution 3.0
License URL ... https://github.com/typeplate/starter-kit/blob/master/license.txt

You can either leave those comments in or make a note somewhere like @Melindrea does it on her site http://mariehogebrandt.se/colophon or you could even link to the license someplace. If you are still unsure or need further guidance you can email me at grayghost @ grayghostvisuals dot com.