
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

Opened this issue · 6 comments

This breaks webfont rendering (and forces the default fallback font) on the Android browser (as of 4.2.1).

Sucks, but unless there's a fix we gotta remove it.


Go ahead and do it bro...unless you wanna browser sniff with the UA?

Not just Android, unfortunately. It messes up font-variant: smallcaps on Chrome. T'is a shame, but alas.

I'm going to ​look around for a fix (maybe a Modernizr thing) but yeah,
I'll kill it as a default, at least.

If you fix it with Modernizr then that's something personally for your implementation. I'd just take it out and not worry about it too much.

​Good point. So far, no luck regardless. Gonna kill it.

and just like that he went out like the wind 💨