
margin px fallbacks?

Closed this issue · 8 comments


I'm using rem units in my project

I get the font-size pixel fallbacks, but nothing on any properties (e.g. margin) - is this intentional?


Yeah, we use rems for font sizing primarily. If you'd like to see things different then you can place a code snippet in this thread to discuss before filing a PR.

Hey bud,

Yea, I'm down with rem units

My point relates to the fact I don't get margin rem fallbacks, as I do with the font-size?


Yup you're correct. As I said above we don't do that. We only use rems for font-sizing.

Hmm, I suspect this means no margins in IE8, as rem units not supported?

Besides setting a fallback margin manually, are you using a more convenient method I don't know about?

Yours hopefully,

... BTW I'm using these two libraries, which are useful/relevant:

Best regards,

Margins are set in ems currently. IE8 supports ems. As I said we don't size the box model with rems at this point.

Hmm, my margins are in rems, hence raising this issue?

Where are you getting rems in your margins from? Can u paste in this thread where this is happening?