
Getting 'rogue' space between value and unit

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// Sass loop to associate h1-h6 tags with their appropriate greek
// heading based on a modular scale.
// for each size in the scale, create a class
@each $size in $sizes {
.#{nth($size, 1)} {
@include type-scale(nth($size, 2), $font-base, '#{$type-scale-unit-value}' ,$measure);

when complied using coda sass plugin ( I think it uses a javascript library rather than a rails approach?) the following output is sent to css. Note: the extra spaces between value (117) and unit (px) which does not render correctly in browsers. Any idea where this extra space is coming from or why it would appear?

.tera {
font-size: 117 px;
font-size: 6.5 rem;
margin-bottom: 0.25385 rem; }

Assuming you're using v1.1.2 (including previous versions), this is a problem with the Coda Sass Plugin unfortunately. I would let them know and show them this example. Thanks.