
Components Directory Mystery

Closed this issue · 5 comments

So since this issue https://github.com/zakkain/web-thang/issues/7

I have noticed some strangeness.

  1. When you install a component via the bower registry it installs a components dir into both the app dir and the main yeoman root dir.
  2. If you update one of the files inside the components dir in either location neither change is reflected in the other folder copies file.

Deciding whether this is a bug or not. Looking into it on Yeoman's issue tracker.

When you update a package it overwrites the file in both the yeoman root component dir and the app component dir FTW!!!

BOOM!! here is the issue tracker on it. Bug as far as the components dir duplication dude 👎

I fixed the normalize package issue. I went ahead and just created my own and registered it to bower. FTW DIY Biotch!

Gonna remove my bower package for now until John Albin fixes a tag issue with bower

This is the commit and merge that proves @import base was in fact removed.

This is also the issue tracker I'm watching for the fix for bower tagging

I just left a message to unregister the yeoman-normalize.scss package from bower

Awesome! The normalize.scss package is fixed and the components dir mystery will be fixed as part of Yeoman 1.0.