
Publish with DefinitelyTyped?

sbking opened this issue · 5 comments

Are there any plans of putting these typings on DefinitelyTyped? AFAIK the typings tool is outdated, and the proper way to publish types now is with DefinitelyTyped. That would allow npm install --save-dev @types/mysql2 .

@unional So is there any option that doesn't include adding typings as a dependency?

One way is to change this repo to types/mysql2 and update the package.json so that consumer can do:

npm install types/mysql2

Workaround: npm i -S types/npm-mysql2
Then you can use it like you would. It'll also save in package.json as "@types/mysql2": "github:types/npm-mysql2". Though, I would still prefer the @types/mysql2 install-method

I've made some improvements to make that easier and added it to the README