Missing releaseConnection?
melroy89 opened this issue · 4 comments
melroy89 commented
As described over here: https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2
// For pool initialization, see above
pool.getConnection(function(conn) {
// Do something with the connection
conn.query(/* ... */);
// Don't forget to release the connection when finished!
It should be possible to also call pool.releaseConnection
. Currently it says: 'Property 'releaseConnection' does not exist on type 'Pool'.
I don't know if conn.release()
is also fine, or should this example be updated on their page (sidorares)?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Wallethub commented
We had to remove it, several methods are not yet available in this type. I found "releaseConnection" and "prepare" to be missing for example
melroy89 commented
You had to remove this? So you'll add them again or :S?
the-launch-tech commented
It would be good to update the Docs.
rajuAhmed1705 commented
Is it updated yet?