
Docs re-organisation

chiubaca opened this issue · 0 comments

I've been thinking about how to best organise the docs. Currently there is clear divide between Vue 3 & Vue 2 I think it may be better to split the docs by Vue APIs for the following benefits.

  • ✅ This follows a similar structure to the Vue docs.
  • ✅ API examples are grouped together.
  • ✅ Should make navigating this cheatsheet easier for users (I know it would help me!).


  • 😕 We may have to explain some subtle caveats, gotachas during this transition between v2.x -> 3.x.

So I'd like to propose the following structure for this repo to look something like this, with some ideas of sections within each page:


  • Table of contents
  • Intro to cheatsheet
  • Overarching topics
  • Links to other resources


  • Intro, setting up, why use composition API with TS.
  • typings for props,ref ,reactive, computed and other hooks.


  • Intro, setting up, why use options API, caveats of using TS with options API.
  • typings for data, methods, computed and other properties.


  • Intro, setting up, why use class component & decorators + TS.
  • typings for data, methods, computed and other properties.

Later down the line we can also start to have separate pages for Vuex and Vue Router potentially?