
PHP Warning: sem_remove()

Closed this issue · 6 comments

PHP Warning: sem_remove(): SysV semaphore 140702091352320 does not (any longer) exist in phar:///usr/local/bin/acquiacli/vendor/symfony/lock/Store/SemaphoreStore.php on line 94

PHP: 7.4.5

Hi there, thanks for raising this. What was the command that you used when you got this error? Does this always happen or was this a one off?

It does it for all of the commands except for "acquiacli self:update".

Do you by any chance not have the php sysvsem extension installed? We use the Symfony lock trait in a pretty vanilla form here so it might be something in that library that's causing issues. Which OS is this on too?

I am using Windows 10 with WSL - Ubuntu 18.04

Hmm, I don't have a testing machine for Windows. It looks like you might have hit a WSL bug similar to the one here: microsoft/WSL#4809

That in turn links to this one here microsoft/WSL#3743 which seems to have been fixed in WSL2.

If you're unable to use WSL2 then please use the --no-lock option in commands to skip semaphore locking.

Marking this as closed now as I believe the issue to be sold. Please re-open if the above solutions don't resolve it.