
Allow different label widths (e. g. 88mm labels)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

currently the 62mm is hardcoded, i have a 88mm printer, i would like to scale up the labels to 88mm
e.g. DHL would be 62mm -> 88mm (x1,41)

i have fixed it by hardcoding a *1.41 factor and changing the 62 to 88 on the other functions, a cleaner way would be nice.

const dhlPrivat = {
    file: {
        type: 'pdf',
        page: 1,
        rotation: 90
    width: 2324,    // 139mm (=> 145mm)
    crop(outputCanvas, ctx, image) {
        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Kopf
            1964, 106, 1124, 94,
            0, 0, 890 * 1.41, 74 * 1.41);

        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Adresse
            1964, 210, 785, 625,
            0, 95*1.41, 580 * 1.41, 465 * 1.41);

        let scSize = 296;
        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Sicherheitscode
            2763, 215, scSize, scSize,
            594*1.41, 90*1.41, scSize * 1.41, scSize * 1.41);

        ctx.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Sicherheitscode Text
            3075, 244, 20, 194,
            -395 * 1.41, 645 * 1.41, -20 * 1.41, 194 * 1.41);
        ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2);

        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Bahntransport
            2802, 679, 234, 154,
            666 * 1.41, 465 * 1.41, 152 * 1.41, 100 * 1.41);

        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Sendungsdaten
            1964, 933, 1124, 152,
            0 * 1.41, 576 * 1.41, 890 * 1.41, 120 * 1.41);

        ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(910 * 1.41, 0); ctx.lineTo(910 * 1.41, outputCanvas.height); ctx.stroke();

        let barcodeSizeX = 710,
            barcodeSizeY = 320;
        ctx.drawImage(image,   // Leitcode/Routingcode
            2181, 1526, barcodeSizeX, barcodeSizeY,
            930 * 1.41, 20 * 1.41, barcodeSizeX*1.41, barcodeSizeY*1.41);
            ctx.drawImage(image,   // Identcode/Sendungsnummer
            2181, 1940, barcodeSizeX, barcodeSizeY,
            930 * 1.41, 376 * 1.41, barcodeSizeX*1.41, barcodeSizeY*1.41);

Thanks for your issue!

I will take it into consideration for the future, but this won't be any of my main goals right now, as it is a "more special" use case. I might have some concerns regarding upscaling the images in regards of quality (despite the many downscales except the barcodes).