
Cloudflare API v4

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I just want to check that, is this project still maintained?

Cloudflare old API will be deprecated. If this plugin won't receive any update for the new v4 API, all users of the plugin experience problems and unable to connect to the service.

CloudFlare is removing support for this API on November 9th, 2016. Please use CloudFlare’s API v4 instead. Documentation is available at api.cloudflare.com

Cloudflare now released a new improved plugin: https://www.cloudflare.com/wordpress/

this project is deprecated. Use cloudflare's official plugin instead

Hello @tangrufus, take in account Cloudflare plugin for Wordpress still in a very unstable phase. Check the comments in their post announcement: https://blog.cloudflare.com/new-wordpress-plugin/#comment-2906334717

Hello, for example it does not support the cache everything setting (purge post on update, homepage, rss, etc), I have confirmed in the code: https://github.com/silverbackstudio/Cloudflare-WordPress/blob/master/src/WordPress/Hooks.php

Sunny v2 uses Cloudflare API v4 now.
Note that security functionalities have been separated to WP Cloudflare Guard