Add probe object with mass, velocity and direction vector?
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I was wondering if it would be possible to add an object (for example, a probe) to the system that has a velocity and direction and is bound to gravitational influences?
For example: Insert a probe in an earth object, accelerate towards the moon, slingshot around the moon and return back to earth?
If there are no space physics currently available in the simulation, would it be possible to attach my own calculations how that object should move and update the simulation accordingly?
Thanks for any help on this matter!
Hi @rev111, the engine currently handles Kepler orbits and Ephemeris tables. In other words, you'd have to attach your own calculations that describe the probe's movement. Here's some example code which produces this visualization.
Here is the documentation for EphemerisTable. In summary, you'd provide date + position and velocity vectors.
Hope this helps!