Support `/` as an entry key delimiter
Neved4 opened this issue · 2 comments
A BibLaTeX entry key, of the form name1/name2
currently fails:
author = {Baez, John C. and Lauda, Aaron D.},
title = {Higher-Dimensional Algebra {V}: 2-Groups},
date = {2004-10-27},
version = 3,
langid = {english},
langidopts = {variant=american},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprint = {math/0307200v3},
Reference: biblatex-examples.bib
The /
character here is not a delimiter. Actually it has no special meaning.
The entry key in the original BibTeX only forbids ,
, }
, and whitespaces in a brace-style entry, or ,
plus whitespaces in a parenthesis style entry (see aclements/biblib). The following are valid entry keys for BibTeX. Although some characters (e.g., #
and \
) are not allowed in a LaTeX \cite
command, the entries can still be crossref
ed or listed out with \nocite{*}
author = {John Doe},
author = {John Doe},
Biber, which uses btparse
as the underlying parser, only allows letters, digits, and the following characters in entry key: ! $ & * + - . / : ; < > ? [ ] ^ _ ` |
(see Text-BibTeX/btparse).
Thank you!