Details for how to accept a payment using Tyro's Pay API and React Native SDK is detailed here with step by step instructions.
Please also refer to our example-app
Complete any prerequisites required for using the TyroSDK and Apple and Google pay, including setting up your server for integration with Tyro's Pay API and installing the Tyro React Native SDK in your app
The following is required to enable the use of Apple Pay in your app:
- Apple Merchant Identifier
- Create a payment processing certificate
- Enable Apple Pay capability in Xcode
When a customer loads your checkout page, a request with the order information should be immediately sent to your sever. Your server should calculate the total of the order and send this total to Tyro when creating a Pay Request. The Pay Request along with the Pay Secret should be returned to your checkout page.
// Node sample code
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const axios = require('axios');'/create-order', async (req, res) => {
const { items } = req.body;
const totalAmountInCents = calculateTotal(items);
// Create a Pay Request with the calculated total amount
const payRequest = await
locationId: 'tc-examplelocation-3000',
provider: {
name: 'TYRO',
method: 'CARD',
origin: {
orderId: 'order123',
total: {
amount: totalAmountInCents,
currency: 'AUD',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer exampleJwt',
paySecret: payRequest.paySecret,
Create GitHub PAT (Personal Access Token)
Steps to setup the PAT:
- Navigate to GitHub page, Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings
- On the left panel, select Personal Access Token -> Token(classic)
- Generate a new token with
Next, create a .npmrc file and be sure to use the PAT
in the example below.
For additional information around creating a PAT see this guide
install the Tyro React Native SDK in your project's directory according to the package manager you use.
npm install @tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native
yarn add @tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native
Include the following lines to the Podfile in your iOS folder
source ''
source ''
// navigate to your ios directory to install dependencies
pod install
The following is required to enable the use of Google Pay in your app:
// Add to the <application> element of your projects AndroidManifest.xml
Also add this to your android projects app level gradle file to add the required dependency. The GitHub Packages Token is the same one generated above.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_USER")
password = System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_TOKEN")
To initialise the TyroSDK in your React Native app, wrap your payment screen with the TyroProvider component. liveMode is required and if using Apple Pay then options.applePay.merchantId is also required.
See Initialise Tyro React Native
// example javascript code for using TyroProvider component
import { TyroProvider } from '@tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native';
const providerOptions = {
applePay: {
enabled: true,
merchantId: '123456789',
supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'mastercard', 'amex', 'jcb'],
googlePay: {
enabled: true,
merchantName: 'The merchant name',
supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'mastercard', 'amex', 'jcb'],
creditCardForm: {
enabled: true,
function App() {
return (
<TyroProvider liveMode={true} options={providerOptions}>
... // Your App Code
Set up the Tyro PaySheet component in your checkout page
- Make a call to your server with the order information.
- Your server should calculate the total of the order
- Send this total when creating a Pay Request
- Pay Request Pay Secret is then returned to your checkout page
See PaySheet
// example code for using the useTyro hook to initialise the Pay Sheet
import { useTyro } from "@tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native";
// fetch the pay secret from your server and pass it to your Checkout Component
const fetchPayRequest = async (): Promise<void> => {
const { paySecret } = await createPayRequest();
return paySecret;
const CheckoutPage = ({ paySecret }: CheckoutProps) => {
const {
} = useTyro();
Rest of CheckoutPage Below
Finally, embed the Tyro PaySheet component in your payment screen for the user to submit their payment details.
import { PaySheet } from '@tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native';
const CheckoutPage = ({ paySecret }: CheckoutProps) => {
Rest of CheckoutPage Above
useEffect(() => {
if (initialised === true && paySecret) {
}, [initialised, paySecret]);
// You might want to check you have passed in a paySecret yourself.
if (!paySecret) {
return (
<YourErrorHandler errorMessage={"paySecret has not been generated"} />
if (payRequest?.status === "SUCCESS") {
return (
<View style={styles.successContainer}>
<Text style={styles.successText}>
// Success message you would like to show your users. Your payment
was successfully processed.
return (
errorCode={tyroError?.errorCode ?? tyroError?.errorType}
{isPayRequestReady && <PaySheet />}
{isPayRequestReady && <YourOwnPayButton onPress={submitPayForm} loading={isSubmitting} />}
{isPayRequestLoading && <ActivityIndicator />}