
How do we use hourly and minute timeframes

Closed this issue · 2 comments

How do you plot 1 minute data.. it did not accept the time form below:

'time': '2022-04-01 00:00:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:01:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:02:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:03:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:04:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:05:00'
'time': '2022-04-01 00:06:00'

is there are way i have to format the time or could a any one provide a working example.

Hi @usherreuben,
You can convert the datetimes into timestamp in seconds. See Issue #3 too.

Thank you it did work.👍