
Need a simple and accessible documentation site

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ! This is going to be more of a feature request. I tried electrodb for a pet project and really loved this library to achieve 'Single Table Design'. Thank you so much!

However, as a new comer, though I could get started with electrodb without much hassle, I had trouble navigating the long README page especially during reference lookup during implementation. A simple documentation site (eg - Docusaurus, Vuepress, Mkdocs etc.) hosted in GitHub Pages would help onboard lot of new & experienced developers fairly quickly and easily.

A quick high-level structure would look like

|- Docs
   |- Introduction - Project Goals
   |- Features
   |- Installation
   |- Key Concepts
   |- Typescript Support
|- Tutorials
   |- A basic tutorial (entities, attributes, queries, filters)
   |- Advanced tutorial (collections, services, joins)
|- Community
   |- GitHub Discussions
   |- Issues
   |- Contribution Guidelines

The README has lot of content in a single file. Having this broken down into multiple pages - accessible via a sidebar would greatly help! :)

@anselm94 Thank you for taking the time to write out this feedback! I'd love to expand the documentation and see something just like this as well. I love the rough structure you laid out and over the next few months I hope to chip away at something like this ๐Ÿ‘ Do you find any of the examples (Docusaurus, Vuepress, Mkdocs) you provided to be better than the others?

I found Mkdocs Material to be powerful and very easy to work with.

In terms of examples, I can offer up my own attempt at developer docs made for my previous company (sadly already abandoned by the looks of it!)

I ended up including:

  • an overview
  • explanations of concepts
  • tutorials walking through example code
  • reference docs for each API feature
  • an API reference

I can't speak to how useful my previous company's clients actually found this, though.

Last night I merged initial pass of a docs site which is currently deployed to https://electrodb.dev. I still have a few more passes before I want to "announce" this (or closes this ticket), but rest assured this is happening ๐Ÿ‘

Thank you @tywalch. This is already really helpful!

I missed your previous comment. Thanks, @asquithea for filling in.