
Can I disable identifiers?

miyamonz opened this issue · 1 comments

I want to query an existing dynamodb table, so I don't want to use edb_e, edb_v, and so on in the query.
Records in my table contain entity names at the pk field only, like entitiy#{entity id}.


    "TableName": "your_table_name",
    "ExpressionAttributeNames": {
        "#publishedAt": "publishedAt",
        "#pk": "pk",
        "#__edb_e__": "__edb_e__",  // <-- I don't want to use them because my records doesn't contain such attr.
        "#__edb_v__": "__edb_v__" // <--
    "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
        ":publishedAt0": "2020-01-01",
        ":pk": "pose#",
        ":__edb_e__": "poses", // <--
        ":__edb_v__": "1" // <--
    "FilterExpression": "begins_with(#pk, :pk) AND #__edb_e__ = :__edb_e__ AND #__edb_v__ = :__edb_v__ AND #publishedAt > :publishedAt0"

Unfortunately there is not an easy way to remove these at the moment. I'd like to address this so I'll keep this ticket open to start a new feature branch for this.