If anyone wants to change the name (SSID) of the Access Point (AP) that appears (with the IP address
rtek1000 opened this issue ยท 12 comments
If anyone wants to change the name (SSID) of the Access Point (AP) that appears (with the IP address, go to line 685. There seems to be a lack of alternatives in this part.
boolean WiFiManager::startConfigPortal() {
String ssid = getDefaultAPName(); // <----------- SSID here: ESP32_XXXX
return startConfigPortal(ssid.c_str(), NULL);
boolean WiFiManager::startConfigPortal() {
String ssid = "My_AP"; //getDefaultAPName(); // <----------- SSID here: My_AP
return startConfigPortal(ssid.c_str(), NULL);
Line 686 in d82d0a1
On line 538 something about HostName seems to be implemented, but I don't know if this should also appear when you press the button, for on-demand mode.
// set ap hostname
#ifdef ESP32
if(ret && _hostname != ""){
bool res = WiFi.softAPsetHostname(_hostname.c_str());
DEBUG_WM(WM_DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("setting softAP Hostname:"),_hostname);
if(!res)DEBUG_WM(WM_DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] hostname: AP set failed!"));
DEBUG_WM(WM_DEBUG_DEV,F("hostname: AP: "),WiFi.softAPgetHostname());
Line 538 in d82d0a1
Its the first argument in the function.. what do you mean?
The initial post about the 686 line was with ESP32.
It also occurs with the ESP8266, in the line 388
// not connected start configportal
bool res = startConfigPortal(apName, apPassword);
At the beginning of Main there is wm.setHostname("MDNSEXAMPLE"), line 37, onDemandNonBlocking.ino.
Shouldn't the library have used this same "MDNSEXAMPLE" as the SSID?
It appears there is a way to read the SSID, but there is no way to Set it
* get config portal AP SSID
* @since 0.0.1
* @access public
* @return String the configportal ap name
String WiFiManager::getConfigPortalSSID() {
return _apName;
I managed to solve it, I was missing using:
autoConnect(apName, apPassword)
startConfigPortal(apName, apPassword)
char const * portal_SSID = {"DEVICE1"};
char const * portal_PASSWORD = {"12345678"}; // Need >= 8 chars
wm.autoConnect(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
wm.startConfigPortal(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
wm.autoConnect(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
wm.startConfigPortal(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
Maybe it would be easier if there was a function to set this, instead of the user declaring the SSID and password on each line they use when the portal starts.
Thank you.
Are you confusing mdns hostname and ssid, they are not the same thing.
I suppose there could be a global for setting apname, shrug seems trivial
Should the onDemandNonBlocking.ino example always be non-blocking?
If the ESP is not connected, how long will the portal wait to go to the loop() routine?
When I comment out the wm.autoConnect() line, then the led blinks, but if I leave the line, the portal is activated and remains active indefinitely.
I used wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(timeout), but it still takes the timeout time to go to loop().
Should the onDemandNonBlocking.ino example always be non-blocking?
If the ESP is not connected, how long will the portal wait to go to the loop() routine?
When I comment out the wm.autoConnect() line, then the led blinks, but if I leave the line, the portal is activated and remains active indefinitely.
I used wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(timeout), but it still takes the timeout time to go to loop().
The line needed to be uncommented:
// wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
Should the onDemandNonBlocking.ino example always be non-blocking?
If the ESP is not connected, how long will the portal wait to go to the loop() routine?
When I comment out the wm.autoConnect() line, then the led blinks, but if I leave the line, the portal is activated and remains active indefinitely.
I used wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(timeout), but it still takes the timeout time to go to loop().The line needed to be uncommented:
// wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
If I use the portal Timeout, how can I know if the portal has already been stopped?
Note: On line 599, a form of time control that is not recommended appears to be being implemented, in the case of recycling the variable returned to millis().
// handle timed out
if(millis() > _configPortalStart + _configPortalTimeout){
DEBUG_WM(F("config portal has timed out"));
return true; // timeout bail, else do debug logging
But on line 607, A recommended form of time control is being implemented
// log timeout time remaining every 30s
if((millis() - timer) > logintvl){
timer = millis();
DEBUG_WM(WM_DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Portal Timeout In"),(String)((_configPortalStart + _configPortalTimeout-millis())/1000) + (String)F(" seconds"));
If I use the portal Timeout, how can I know if the portal has already been stopped?
I found this: getConfigPortalActive()
My sketch now (ESP8266):
- It works like a WiFi router, the user have to press the button for 15 seconds
- The settings are reset.
- Wait for user to release button.
- LED goes out (on NodeMCU off: HIGH)
- The portal is only active for the timeout period, to avoid unnecessary exposure of the portal.
- The LED flashes differently when the portal is active
#include <Arduino.h>
* OnDemandNonBlocking.ino
* example of running the webportal or configportal manually and non blocking
* trigger pin will start a webportal for 120 seconds then turn it off.
* startAP = true will start both the configportal AP and webportal
#include <WiFiManager.h> // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
// include MDNS
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#elif defined(ESP32)
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
// select which pin will trigger the configuration portal when set to LOW
#define TRIGGER_PIN 0 // ESP8266 GPIO0 (NodeMCU D3)
#define LED_BUILTIN_D4 2 // ESP8266 GPIO2 (NodeMCU D4)
char const *portal_SSID = {"DEVICE1"};
char const *portal_PASSWORD = {"12345678"}; // Need >= 8 chars
WiFiManager wm;
unsigned int timeout = 120; // seconds to run for
unsigned int startTime = millis();
//bool portalRunning = false;
bool startAP = true; // start AP and webserver if true, else start only webserver
uint32_t millis1 = 0;
uint32_t millis2 = 0;
void doWiFiManager();
void setup()
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // explicitly set mode, esp defaults to STA+AP
// put your setup code here, to run once
Serial.println("\n Starting");
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, HIGH);
// wm.resetSettings();
// wm.setEnableConfigPortal(false);
// wm.autoConnect();
wm.autoConnect(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
void loop()
#ifdef ESP8266
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (wm.getConfigPortalActive() == true)
if ((millis() - millis2) > 500)
millis2 = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN_D4));
} else {
if ((millis() - millis2) > 5000)
millis2 = millis();
if (((millis() - millis2) < 500))
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, LOW);
} else if (((millis() - millis2) > 500) && ((millis() - millis2) < 1000))
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, HIGH);
void doWiFiManager()
// is auto timeout portal running
if (wm.getConfigPortalActive()) //portalRunning
wm.process(); // do processing
// check for timeout
if ((millis() - startTime) > (timeout * 1000))
//portalRunning = false;
if (startAP)
// is configuration portal requested?
if (digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW && (!wm.getConfigPortalActive())) // !portalRunning
// Minimum button press time to activate the portal
if ((millis() - millis1) > 15000)
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, HIGH);
// Wait for user to release button
while(digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW) {
if (startAP)
Serial.println("Button Pressed, Starting Config Portal");
wm.startConfigPortal(portal_SSID, portal_PASSWORD);
Serial.println("Button Pressed, Starting Web Portal");
//portalRunning = true;
startTime = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN_D4, LOW);
millis1 = millis();
(Now I think I can go to the part "auto update via email")
Thank you.
The ondemand part is non blocking but not autoconnect is not in that example, // wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
I see the millis rollover issue, thanks
Looks like you figured the rest out. I suggest you read the .h file the super example and the wiki https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/wiki/Methods
The actual readme still needs work as do general docs
Hello, I would like to suggest that an example be made available (if possible) with a login to access the portal, it is the standard for almost all routers I have seen, I found a project that has this, perhaps it could serve as an example of how to implement it :
Additional page that a commercial router shows if the user is unable to log in: