
Repository for VHDL blocks

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT


Repository for VHDL blocks and RTL simulation environment

File structures

├── scripts
|   ├── main.py
│   └── *.py
└── [module_name]
    ├── config.yml
    ├── run.bat
    ├── rtl
    |   ├── [module_name]_top.vhd
    |   └── *.vhd
    ├── tb
    |   ├── tb.vhd
    |   └── *.vhd
    ├── sim
    |   ├── sim.tcl
    |   ├── *.wcfg (optional)
    |   └── [fixed_case_name]
    |       ├── sim.tcl (optional)
    |       └── *.txt
    └── work_* (generated in runtime, never committed)
        ├── xsim.dir
        ├── *.log
        └── [fixed_case_name]
            ├── xsim.dir (symlink)
            ├── sim.tcl (symlink)
            ├── *.wcfg (optional, symlink)
            ├── *.log
            └── *.txt

Python environment

Python script is used as the backbone of all operations, so remember to activate a conda environment with required packages, e.g. ruamel.yaml, pylint, black, numpy, etc.

conda create -n [conda_env_name] python numpy black pylint ruamel.yaml
conda activate [conda_env_name]

Note: All scripts are kept in scripts folder. Before making commits on scripts, run the following to ensure a clean coding style.

cd [repository_root]
black scripts -l 100
pylint scripts

Module creation

  1. Create a folder with the name of the module, and enter it.
cd [repository_root]
mkdir [module_name]
cd [module_name]
  1. Prepare a run.bat under module root with the following contents. (Windows)
@echo off
call python ..\scripts\main.py %* -m win_local

Or a run.sh under module root with the following contents. (Linux)

python ../scripts/main.py "$@" -m linux_local

Use run (Windows) or ./run.sh (Linux) to run the script.

./run.sh init

Operation types

All operations are run at the module directory.

cd [module_name]
  1. Linting check (compilation without testbench)
./run.sh lint
  1. Compile and simulation
./run.sh sim
  1. Debugging with waveform
./run.sh view -s [fixed_case_name]