
Unable to download images

shobhit-kumar-code opened this issue · 3 comments

On executing
./ --downloadOriginalImages --wnid n03412511
i get an error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 54, in
downloader.downloadOriginalImages(id, username, accessKey)
File "./libs/", line 120, in downloadOriginalImages
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'download_file' referenced before assignment

Have you solved your issue? I have the same bug as you

I could not find a way around. But what i did was that i created an account on ImageNet. After that, you need to get access to download from ImageNet directly. After that a download button is visible whenever you view something on ImageNet
Although, i think this issue is with your account. You either need to create one or get download access.
