
Elmätare Vattenfall

Opened this issue · 3 comments

New meter vattenfall S34U18, Can you put up information on the page

Vattenfall P1

Fråga, kör den samma standard som i Nederländerna? Vattenfall har ju samma mätare där

I can verify that it works for me with Slimmelezer. To activate the port contact them and tell them you want the port activated on https://www.vattenfalleldistribution.se/matarbyte/fraga-oss-om-matarbytet/

I can verify that it works for me with Slimmelezer. To activate the port contact them and tell them you want the port activated on https://www.vattenfalleldistribution.se/matarbyte/fraga-oss-om-matarbytet/

Vattenfall says that they have activated my p1 port. I got the slimmelezer and attached it. I got Nan on all values, after som reading I had no reconfigure the yaml but I still get no values. I used yaml psvanstrom/esphome-p1reader#45 . What did you use.