Bundled host file-based lists no longer relevant
Closed this issue · 3 comments
All the filters are combined into one rule, hence the "1 rules" below them.
don't produce any rules for uBO Lite
Open the rulesets to see the rules:
Dan Pollock: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBOL-home/blob/uBOLite_2024.10.6.1334/chromium/rulesets/main/dpollock-0.json
Steven Black: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBOL-home/blob/uBOLite_2024.10.6.1334/chromium/rulesets/main/stevenblack-hosts.json
Sites from hosts lists are still accessible in uBOL due to a lack of support for "blocking page from visting": #214, however they are internally neutralized to a large extent, as blocking internal requests still works, but if an user expects access to such a site to be permanently blocked for eyes, then it doesn't work currently.