
In the "My Filters" tab, no information is shown when the list is disabled

ruihildt opened this issue ยท 19 comments


  • I verified that this is not a filter list issue. Report any issues with filter lists or broken website functionality in the uAssets issue tracker.
  • This is NOT a YouTube, Facebook or Twitch report. These sites MUST be reported by clicking their respective links.
  • This is not a support issue or a question. For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.
  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue.
  • The issue is not present after disabling uBO in the browser.
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I am reporting is not normal behavior.

I tried to reproduce the issue when...

  • uBO is the only extension.
  • uBO uses default lists and settings.
  • using a new, unmodified browser profile.


When "My filters" list is deactivated in the "Filters list", users are confused that adding custom filters in the "My filters" tab doesn't work, because they don't notice the whole thing is disabled.

I would like to suggest showing a message on the "My filters" tab page when the "My filters" list isn't enabled.

This is especially an issue for Mullvad Browser users, since the "My filters" list is disabled by default, for browser fingerprinting concerns (custom filters could make you more uniquely identifiable).

(FYI, I'm working for Mullvad on the Mullvad Browser)

A specific URL where the issue occurs.


Steps to Reproduce

  • Start Firefox with uBlock Origin
  • Click on the
  • Disable the "My filters" list in the "Filters list" tab
  • Go to the "My filters" tab

Expected behavior

When the "My filters" list is disabled, an information message is displayed in the "My filters" tab.

Actual behavior

When the "My filters" list is disabled, there is no way to know in the "My filters" tab that the list is currently disabled.

uBO version


Browser name and version

Firefox 123

Operating System and version

Fedora KDE Spin 39

Also a related issue/comment wherein someone already asked same:

UnitedMarsupials : #3076 (comment) : But shouldn't there have been a warning of some sort?

How about a checkbox to enable/disable "My filters" directly in the pane?


@gorhill That would be even clearer.

Could you add a button (e.g. next to the export buttons) for mobile to collapse the checkbox section?

They take a significant amount of space, which mobile doesn't have a lot of when typing.

I definately agree to the above comment, these tickboxes take precious space in My filters tab on Mobile, as a result it's now more hard/cumbersome to edit/type and maintentain user filters.

(...) add a button to collapse the checkbox section?

Maybe also to collapse "Do not add filters from untrusted sources." message as well
(unless declined for security reasons for majority/novice users).

Nice changes. The search input placeholder which is meant to replace the outside magnifying glass icon kinda looks like a pin/location icon to me though. Why not go the same route as in the Filter lists pane where the svg is simply inside the input?

If you want to keep the placeholder method instead, probably best to change it in that pane too. For unity.

But I think a better choice for a placeholder might be the telephone recorder which looks like the right-facing magnifying glass: ऋ.

better choice for a placeholder might be the telephone recorder

That's how it looks on my side, in both Chromium and Firefox:


I had forgotten about what I did for "Filter lists", but the idea was that I wanted to keep it simple by just using a Unicode character in the placeholder attribute. There is an emoji for magnifier -- ๐Ÿ” -- but support is not guaranteed.

Old character in attr (โšฒ) is not compatible with Chrome on Windows 7.

I think possible use for "โŒ•":

::placeholder { font-size: larger }

There is an issue related to the new Support maximizing editor to viewport size functionality on Mobile, sometimes while in Maximized editor, after changing/editing, and then pressing minimize editor icon-button to return to normal view, another button - Apply button is accidentaly/randomly being pressed altogether because Apply button is perfectly behind the minimize editor icon-button, the issue happens when the press/tap is a long enough (but still visually short), it happens only on Mobile, it doesn't happen on Desktop when clicking using mouse, so it seems that on Mobile longer pressings/taps are considered as double/multi "clicks", hence if there is a second button hidden behind the first button, they sometimes are pressed/triggered both at the same time, which is not an expected behavior, at least not when triggered randomly/accidentaly, it should be made consistent: either fixed so that Apply button is never being accidentaly pressed or to make the both buttons always being pressed altogether (means working as autosave feature when leaving out maximized editor state - but this is just a quick idea, I didn't think about it long enought)

The event handler for the search bar is hooked onto mousedown, I can't remember why I implemented that way. Using mousedown instead of click is probably what is causing this issue.

Weird, I've been able to reproduce this on my 3rd and 4th try, but not any of the latter dozens of tries I've made.

I will use click instead of mousedown, this should fix the issue. As to why I used mousedown, I believe it was because using click causes the CodeMirror editor to lose focus, but I found that just calling cm.focus() in the event handler gives back focus to the editor.

Another issue is that Undo / Redo doesn't work in search field in "My filters" and "Trusted sites" and also in "resource viewer", for a comparision - it works fine in "Filter lists" and "My rules".

it works on my side when the search field has focus, i.e. when the caret is visible in the search field.

I forgot to check in Chromium - yes indeed it does work in Chromium, but not in Firefox.

Works the same in Firefox on my side.

I forgot, yes it works fine in FF 124, the issue occurs in Firefox 115 ESR only (perhaps in FF 116-123 too - I didn't check), I won't bother you with a repair on the FF 115 ESR, unless you decide to do it yourself.

When you reproduce the issue, is the undo applied to the content of the CodeMirror editor?

No, Undo/Redo is broken in CodeMirror editor as well.
It's also broken in "My rules" editor as well, but not broken in the search field of "My rules".