
Bug and Discussion: With suspendTabsUntilReady not being reliable and uBlock not filtering reliably on startup, we seriously wonder about your unwillingness to implement Discard, and I seriously wonder about your true intentions and entanglements now.

Closed this issue · 0 comments


  • I verified that this is not a filter list issue. Report any issues with filter lists or broken website functionality in the uAssets issue tracker.
  • This is NOT a YouTube, Facebook or Twitch report. These sites MUST be reported by clicking their respective links.
  • This is not a support issue or a question. For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.
  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue.
  • The issue is not present after disabling uBO in the browser.
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I am reporting is not normal behavior.

I tried to reproduce the issue when...

  • uBO is the only extension.
  • uBO uses default lists and settings.
  • using a new, unmodified browser profile.


With suspendTabsUntilReady not being reliable and uBlock not filtering reliably on startup, we seriously wonder about your unwillingness to implement Discard, and I seriously wonder about your true intentions and entanglements now.

Let's discuss this fact.

A specific URL where the issue occurs.


Steps to Reproduce


Expected behavior


Actual behavior


uBO version


Browser name and version


Operating System and version
