
No documentation regarding `replace`?

user31415192 opened this issue · 4 comments


  • I verified that this is not a filter list issue. Report any issues with filter lists or broken website functionality in the uAssets issue tracker.
  • This is NOT a YouTube, Facebook or Twitch report. These sites MUST be reported by clicking their respective links.
  • This is not a support issue or a question. For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.
  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue.
  • The issue is not present after disabling uBO in the browser.
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I am reporting is not normal behavior.

I tried to reproduce the issue when...

  • uBO is the only extension.
  • uBO uses default lists and settings.
  • using a new, unmodified browser profile.


I've read through the wiki, and it seems that you have yet to add documentation regarding the replace filter option since it was added in 1.53.0 under the name urltransform (later renamed to uritransform then replace). Why is it still the case to this day?

A specific URL where the issue occurs.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Visit the above link.
  2. Scour the page for any information regarding this filter option.

Expected behavior

There should be information about this filter option.

Actual behavior

Nope: no such information is found anywhere on the page.

uBO version

1.57.2 (≥ 1.53.0)

Browser name and version

Operating System and version

Why is it still the case to this day?

Because we invest our personal time and nobody found the time to do it.

Meanwhile you can use AdGuard's documentation: https://adguard.com/kb/general/ad-filtering/create-own-filters/#replace-modifier

replace was added in 1.54. It is not the same thing as url/uritransform either.


AdGuard seems use /old/new/g without write g letter, so few AdGuard filters need manually put g to test usage like in AdGuard.

Very optional AdGuard didn't notice as bug that their replace works on multiple matches without using g.

Your own documentation may be useful in such circumstances.

Closing this, documentation can be discussed in https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/discussions.