
No page can load while uBlock is active

j36e opened this issue · 70 comments

j36e commented


  • I verified that this is not a filter list issue. Report any issues with filter lists or broken website functionality in the uAssets issue tracker.
  • This is NOT a YouTube, Facebook or Twitch report. These sites MUST be reported by clicking their respective links.
  • This is not a support issue or a question. For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.
  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue.
  • The issue is not present after disabling uBO in the browser.
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I am reporting is not normal behavior.

I tried to reproduce the issue when...

  • uBO is the only extension.
  • uBO uses default lists and settings.
  • using a new, unmodified browser profile.



Pages won't load with UBO enabled but everything works fine when it's off. Everything was fine a couple of hours ago and yes I did reboot my computer.
Sorry for the bad video quality my laptop is slow

A specific URL where the issue occurs.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. [Enable UBO]
  2. [Try to load a page]

Expected behavior

The page to load

Actual behavior

It did not :(

uBO version


Browser name and version

Chromium (chromium-123.0.6312.86_1)

Operating System and version

Void linux

j36e commented

The first tab title seemed to load but it was probably cached since I tried the same query minutes before

When you click uBO's "background.html" link in chrome://extensions/, this opens the browser tools for uBO. Can you see something reported in the console pane?

j36e commented

Lmao the addon wouldnt do anything when I clicked on it so I reinstalled and it's all working now sorry for the stupid issue report

We had other reports of such behavior, so I don't consider this invalid. Problem is that so far I have been unable to investigate further since the issue disappear upon reinstall.

@j36e Do you think that uBO had just updated to 1.57.0 before the issue occurred?

I faced the same issue too. But in my case, after updating to 1.57.0, i lost all saved filters too and uBO was completely reset to default. allReadyAfter after this incident was over 80k ms. The dashboard was completely blank after this, restarting my browser did fix it, but had to continue from a old backup.
Browser used: Edge
Possible in #3219, OP did face something similar (chromium used)

@voidlyvidevoid Can you do the steps described in this: #3217 (comment)

j36e : No page can load while uBlock is active
j36e : Pages won't load with UBO enabled
j36e : Possible in #3219, OP did face something similar (chromium used)

Also possible you encountered the same like here:

  • #3198 : (spain): "y no me carga ninguna web se queda cargando" :
    (enlgish): "and it doesn't load any web site it just keeps loading"

voidlyvidevoid : allReadyAfter after this incident was over 80k ms

In this one 85k ms too:

also you can read (if you didn't see them before):

Tho this happend a few weeks ago when the update was pushed. Never had anything over 15k ms except when this occured. I get 12-15k ms consistently in FF and Edge and I take the blame for that as I have nearly 500k+ network filters (mostly badware, malware and anti-paywalls)
Also, something maybe unrelated, Edge takes a good 30s after restart to load anything.(this is with and without suspendUntilListsAreLoaded: true)

@voidlyvidevoid Can you click on uBO icon > 💬 Report button > scroll to the bottom > click on Troubleshooting Information and copy paste it here?

I usually don't find them these high, but 12-15k ms and some 3k is mostly consistent. This is immediately after a restart, with 12 tabs open from previous session. (Using hard mode,with block large media)
Other extensions: Webtime tracker and Dark reader

uBlock Origin: 1.57.2
Chromium: 124
filterset (summary):
 network: 544853
 cosmetic: 260618
 scriptlet: 53426
 html: 0
listset (total-discarded, last-updated):
  https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters/-/raw/main/bpc-paywall-filter.txt: 1065-0, 9d.14h.27m
  https://o0.pages.dev/Pro/adblock.txt: 155647-18753, 6d.21h.26m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/cname-trackers/master/data/combined_disguised_trackers_justdomains.txt: 69497-0, 13h.34m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Alternate versions Anti-Malware List/AntiMalwareDomains.txt: 21187-7502, 8h.44m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List.txt: 85890-1918, 8h.43m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/LegitimateURLShortener.txt: 2621-0, 9h.44m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwarser/filter-lists/master/lan-block-strict.txt: 54-0, 11d.6h.44m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists/main/adblock/ultimate.txt: 187296-102175, 15h.34m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamengland1/miscfilters/master/antipaywall.txt: 2098-36, 8h.43m
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/voidlyvidevoid/filterlist1/main/filterlist.txt: 4-0, 1m
  https://someonewhocares.org/hosts/ipv6/hosts: 23338-23337, 16h.35m
  adguard-generic: 80958-5587, 1d.15h.33m
  [23 lists not shown]: [too many]
  user-filters: 23-0, never
  ublock-filters: 37577-3878, 1m Δ
  ublock-badware: 8320-919, 1m Δ
  ublock-privacy: 832-101, 1m Δ
  ublock-unbreak: 2256-1, 1m Δ
  ublock-quick-fixes: 274-25, 1m Δ
  easylist: 86419-34227, 1m Δ
  easyprivacy: 50793-37792, 1m Δ
  urlhaus-1: 13070-111, 15h.34m
  plowe-0: 3739-3518, 8d.16h.55m
filterset (user): [array of 23 redacted]
 added: [array of 6 redacted]
 added: [array of 15 redacted]
  no-large-media: behind-the-scene false
 added: [array of 70 redacted]
 advancedUserEnabled: true
 largeMediaSize: 250
 suspendUntilListsAreLoaded: true
 filterAuthorMode: true
 allReadyAfter: 29598 ms (selfie)
 maxAssetCacheWait: 10212 ms
 cacheBackend: indexedDB
 blocked: 12
 no-large-media: true
  github.com: 12


@voidlyvidevoid This gitlab user is removed by Gitlab already so its filter list cannot be updated: https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters/-/raw/main/bpc-paywall-filter.txt

You are using a heavily modified configuration so we cannot pinpoint what causes the issue. Backup and reset to default settings and test again. Then restore your configuration one-by-one and see which one is causing issue.

Anyways, since you can access uBO's dashboard, I don't think your issue is the same as this issue. It's more similar to this: #1865 so please continue in that thread instead. But do what I said above first.

@gorhill However, I'm thinking maybe some user-removed gitlab links could be related to OP's issue? From the screenshot, I see gitlab.com/users/sign_in link in the error line instead, which is a redirection from https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters/-/raw/main/bpc-paywall-filter.txt

I expect over half a million network filter is going to cause longer delay at launch, although 25s seems high, it's not a configuration I test often. It could be a storage issue, in which case it might be useful to force the indexedDB to be re-created, a backup/restore should do this.

voidlyvidevoid: allReadyAfter after this incident was over 80k ms. The dashboard was completely blank after this, restarting my browser did fix it

It's normal that uBO's dashboard page is blank/white while uBO is not ready (while uBO toolbar icon is yellow), unless you mean that it was still white/blank even after uBO's toolbar icon was not yellow anymore - but in such case you wouldn't be able to access and read allReadyAfter 80k, so I assume it was blank/white only while uBO was not ready.

@garry-ut99 there is a timeout for the badge - it will be shorter than his 80 seconds.

there is a timeout for the badge

The countdown starts when uBO is all ready if I remember correctly.

there is a timeout for the badge - it will be shorter than his 80 seconds.

I'm not talking about a badge, but about an icon, they are two separate things, the yellowish icon has no timeout, and as for the the yellowish badge, like gorhill mentioned, its countdown starts after uBO is ready, like already mentioned 2 times in Wiki:

https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Toolbar-icon : The yellowish badge ! will persist once uBO is ready to filter properly (...)
https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Toolbar-icon#important-note : The sticky yellowish badge once uBO is fully loaded

also worth to mention another difference between the yellowish icon and the yellowish badge: the yellowish badge doesn't prevent uBO and dashboard from working, which means uBO and dashboard are accessible after yellowish icon disappears, even if yellowish badge is still here, because the yellowish badge servers only as an additional non-blocking warning and counter of unprocessed browser requests.

Popping in to say I have the same issue on the latest versions of Chrome and Thorium. I cannot access the uBO dashboard or any websites. There is nothing reported in the uBO DevTools console either.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the extension does seem to fix the issue.

@Avellea Do you remember you were using / enabling any additional filter lists (bypass paywall...)?

@Avellea Do you remember you were using / enabling any additional filter lists (bypass paywall...)?

I do not use any custom filter lists at all.

"Popping in" is appreciated and useful to know how many users have the same problem, and how big is the problem, but we need more details to help:

I cannot access the uBO dashboard or any websites.

When has it happened exactly?:

  • after uBO re/installation
  • after browser re/start
  • after reenabling uBO
  • after uBO has updated
  • while browsing internet as usual

Has been uBO's icon yellowish as per https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/wiki/Toolbar-icon while you were unable to access dashboard?

Uninstalling and reinstalling the extension does seem to fix the issue.

Are you able to reproduce the issue again or it doesn't occur anymore.
If you could reproduce it again it would be helpful for us to diagnose it.

What is your OS and version of uBO.

"Popping in" is appreciated and useful to know how many users have the same problem, and how big is the problem, but we need more details to help:

Apologies, let me clear this up.

  • Issue occurred after a browser restart.
  • The toolbar icon was the regular red icon
  • I have not been able to reproduce the issue since the fix.
  • Version was the latest at the time, uBlock Origin 1.57.0, but it did happen prior to an update as well, on an unknown version.
  • OS Version is Windows 11 Build 22631