
Cloud storage no longer works on Firefox

ipkpjersi opened this issue · 10 comments


  • I performed a cursory search of the issue tracker to avoid opening a duplicate issue
  • This is not a support issue or a question
    • Support issues and questions are handled at /r/uMatrix
  • I tried to reproduce the issue when...
    • uMatrix extension is wholly disabled or not installed
    • uMatrix is the only extension
    • uMatrix with default lists/settings
    • using a new, unmodified browser profile
  • I am running the latest version of uMatrix
  • I checked the documentation to understand that the issue I report is not a normal behavior
  • I used the logger to rule out that the issue is caused by my ruleset


The cloud sync feature no longer works on Firefox (I am not sure if it works on Chrome etc), the PC name and updated date are now replaced with "..." and uploading no longer works either. This bug is happepning on multiple PCs.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to dashboard
  2. Go to My rules
  3. [and so on...]

Supporting evidence

Your environment

  • uMatrix version: uMatrix 1.4.0
  • Browser Name and version: Firefox 79.0 Snap
  • Operating System and version: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

the PC name and updated date are now replaced with "..."

Pressing on upload button should fill all fields.

When this broke? On Firefox 79? Is this only on Snap? I think Firefox Sync internal storage format changed recently, maybe Snap version does not support it fully.

I did press upload but nothing happens, the fields are still "..."

This broke recently, within the past week, I believe it was still working when Firefox 79 released so I think this might be a new bug?

Do you see any errors in Console tab under about:devtools-toolbox?type=extension&id=uMatrix%40raymondhill.net address?

No errors of any kind in Console tab.

Maybe you have too many rules, cloud storage maxes at ~100KB. See https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/i6e7lr/cloud_sync_not_uploading_rules_list/. Firefox started to enforce quota limit in version 79.

Yep, looks like I ran into the 100KB limit.

I'm not quite sure I understand - is the 100KB limit a limit of Firefox itself, or a limit of uMatrix?

Good to know, thanks. I think this issue can now be closed.

Can you make it work when you reduce amount of rules? User here https://www.reddit.com/r/uMatrix/comments/inrdrq/ says that it does not work. Maybe it's similar to recently fixed uBO issues?

I stumbled myself onto this issue in uBO/Firefox. I don't use Firefox Sync, only for testing purpose, so it had been a long time since I tried in my Firefox account, and when I did, I found that I had over 400KB of data in "My filters"'s cloud storage, and I was now unable to overwrite regardless of what I tried to send to it. The issue was that I had to delete all the storage slots beyond allowed quota.

Now a problem here is that I no longer have time to work on uMatrix. I even can't find the time and motivation to merge pull requests.