
MVVM Kernel won't build if workspace is not open

Opened this issue · 2 comments

See here https://cl.ly/2I1L1g0Y2X37

When workspace tab is closed, Update Kernel button does nothing. Have to have at least one tab open for Kernel to build.

In ECS, Update Kernel button never does anything. Have to add GameObject>Kernel (ECS flavour).

Very confusing... the kernel should build regardless of Workspace and and components related to the current workspace should be added to kernel (ie add MVVM components to Kernel prefab, add ECS to same prefab, etc).

Stop last tab being closed? And Build Kernel button reflects the current tab open?

Just trying uFrame out again, think these early 'barriers to entry' will stop any real uptake (if it matters? :)

A related issue is the Kernel appears in inspector as UFrame MVVM Kernel, even though it's a common standard kernel (ie remove MVVM from inspector). Small but helps beginners understand what's going on. (beginners?!? ha)