
[Question] How to display one's `featured-image.jpg` at the top of a post, as well as the table of contents

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Describe the bug question

Hey so I've been following your example site and have been looking at how you've written a post which is shown here as well as your config.toml.

I haven't been able to figure out how to display the featured-image.jpg at the top of one's post automatically as well as display the table of contents along the side of my post.

I don't see you specifically embedding these features in each individual post, so I am figuring there's a specific spot in your config where you turn this on automatically.

Example config.toml

baseURL = "https://www.greghilston.com/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Greg Hilston"
theme = "uBlogger"
disqusShortname = "greghilston"
googleAnalytics = ""

	tag = "tags"
	series = "series"

    author = "Greg Hilston"
    showBorder = true
    version = "2.0.X"

        rss = 10
            enable = true
            social = true

        # whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
        linkToMarkdown = true

        # whether to enable the table of the contents
        enable = true

        # whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
        keepStatic = false

        # whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
        auto = true

        hiddenImage = false
        hiddenDescription = false
        hiddenTitle = false

        enable = true

        # type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia")
        type = "algolia"

        # max index length of the chunked content
        contentLength = 4000

        # placeholder of the search bar
        placeholder = ""
        # 0.2.1 max number of results length
        maxResultLength = 10

        # snippet length of the result
        snippetLength = 30

        #HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
        highlightTag = "em"

        # whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
        absoluteURL = false

    blog = "/:year/:month/:filename/"
    code = "/:filename/"

    url = "/"
    name = "Home"
    weight = 1

    url = "/post/about/"
    name = "About"
    weight = 2

    url = "/post/"
    name = "Posts"
    weight = 3

    url = "/tags/"
    name = "Tags"
    weight = 4

    url = "/categories/"
    name = "Categories"
    weight = 5

# [[menu.main]]
#     url = "/project/"
#     name = "Projects"
#     weight = 6

    url = "https://GregHilston.com/Greg_Hilston_Resume.pdf"
    name = "Resume"
    weight = 7

    Github = "GregHilston"
    Linkedin = "greghilston"
    Twitter = "GregHilston"
    Email = "Gregory.Hilston@gmail.com"

    enable = true

    # KaTeX extension copy_tex
    copyTex = true

    # KaTeX extension mhchem
    mhchem = true

    # whether to show the copy button of the code block
    copy = true

    # the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
    maxShownLines = 10

    enable = true
    Twitter = true
    Facebook = true
    Linkedin = false

        codeFences = true
        guessSyntax = true
        lineNos = true
        lineNumbersInTable = true
        # false is a necessary configuration
        noClasses = false

An example of the top of a blog post

title: "How To Right Click To Paste In Vim"
date: 2021-05-11
tags: [vim]
- name: "featured-image"
  src: "featured-image.png"
featured-image-source: https://res.cloudinary.com/campbellsci/image/upload/w_300,h_300,c_limit,f_auto/8463.png
draft: false

A simple fix for right clicking to paste in Vim


<more is written down here but its the blog post's content>

Expected behavior

I expect the featured-image.jpg to be visible at the top of each of my page's individual page.

I expect the table of contents to be visible in each of my posts.



Build Environment

  • Pop OS 20.10
  • 2.02
  • v0.83.1

Please try to use Hugo extended version before opening the issue.

Preview Environment

Same as above

Additional Information

I imagine this is not a bug but rather a misunderstanding on how I should configure my config.toml file

Any help would be super appreciated!