Empty Search
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I have noticed if you press search with nothing in the box you get a page isn't working and the address bar showing
Normally it would show an error text saying no results found i am assuming this from translation should kick in error": "Error! - {{error}}
Unmodified explorer is - "ex_search_error": "Search found no results for: ",
Presumably this is an issue in https://github.com/uaktags/explorer/blob/master/routes/index.js starting at line 303. I'll take a look later and see what I see.
Looks like Dstra never got this working either, checked the code and matches, and fails as such too, but all explorers in .jade work fine
Yea, i doubt its with pug/jade, just something in the backend not being handled properly. I'm a little swamped today but i'll get to it in the next 3-4hours.
Found some extra time. Give that a gander and see if that resolves it for you!
No worries. I may soon adapt that message for when it's empty to say it's empty, but it should work if you put in a string and say "Search found no results: alsdfkjaldkfj".