
Simple type checking

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We want to investigate a simple case of variability-aware type checking.

Here is a paper which outlines the typechef type system:

Here is a simple example which I think would be useful to target:

#ifdef A
int i;
int *i;

void foo() {
   i = 1;

I consider this example simple since it only uses fundamental types (and a pointer to a fundamental type). It's actually kinda hard to create a type error in c++ using only fundamental types since there's so much automatic casting that can happen.

Note: assigning an int to an enum variable also causes an error.

Possible Solution

Here I'll outline a possible way to approach the above example. I will focus on what should happen when the statement i = 1; is parsed and type checked.

The normal version of clang produces an ast which looks something like this:

|-VarDecl 0x5572b9b6c848 <simple_type_checking.cpp:6:1, col:5> col:5 used i 'int'
`-FunctionDecl 0x5572b9b6c948 <line:9:1, line:11:1> line:9:6 foo 'void ()'
  `-CompoundStmt 0x5572b9b6ca48 <col:12, line:11:1>
    `-BinaryOperator 0x5572b9b6ca28 <line:10:4, col:8> 'int' lvalue '='
      |-DeclRefExpr 0x5572b9b6c9e8 <col:4> 'int' lvalue Var 0x5572b9b6c848 'i' 'int'
      `-IntegerLiteral 0x5572b9b6ca08 <col:8> 'int' 1

Note that the statement i = 1; is represented by a BinaryOperator with the left hand side represented by a DeclRefExpr and the right hand side represented by an IntegerLiteral.

The way that clang does its type checking is roughly as follows:

  • The Parser class parses an expression and calls a Sema method usually named ActOnX where X is the type of expression that will eventually be built.
  • The ActOnX method may convert something from the Parser's representation to the Sema class's representation of the same thing. Then this method will call another Sema method named BuildX.
  • A method of the Sema class called BuildX will do most of the work of type checking the subexpressions and (if type checks pass) eventually construct an AST node of type X.

See here for more information on type checking the clang AST:

In the case of an expression like i = 1, I believe the relevant Sema methods are BuildDeclarationNameExpr and ActOnBinop.

The BuildDeclarationNameExpr method checks to see if a name like i refers to a valid declaration. This method needs to be modified to accept a VariantDecl since the lookup of i returns a VariantDecl. It should iterate through every individual Decl contained in the VariantDecl and ensure that it is a valid target for assignment.

Then the method ActOnBinop should be modified to make every possible lhs is compatible with the type of expression (in this case an integer) on the rhs.

Generalizing for any binary operator

To extend this approach to other types of expressions, we will likely have to modify many ActOnX or BuildX methods to type check every variant. This will ensure that the operands of a binary operator are type checked properly.

Then in the ActOnBinop method, we will have to check every possible combination of lhs and rhs for compatibility. This will ensure the entire binary operation is type checked in every configuration. Note that in the above example, only the lhs had variability but in the general case, the rhs could have variability too.

Note that this will result in checking the cartesian product of the lhs and rhs types. As mentioned in this typechef paper:, this is unavoidable.

In commit db79d8c, I modified Sema::TryAndResolveContextualAmbiguity so that it always returns a VariantDecl when more than one declaration is found during lookup.

This is causing Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr to report an error since a VariantDecl does not dyn_cast to a ValueDecl. This will need to be handled by iterating over each Decl within the VariantDecl and perform all the checks on these individual Decls instead of the whole VariantDecl.