
Investigate limiting access to licensed resources

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We're using ERA to host licensed resource for the Library and there's a concern about walk-in users (users with a Guest ID) being able to access one of these resources.;TicketID=65966

Recall that ERA policy focuses on open access materials.

Time box to 3 days.

  • Describe the problem
  • Describe the mechanism for authorization of users on a resource
  • What questions do you have?
  • Describe at least three solutions to address the problem

In the meantime we've been through several rounds of language revisions with the publisher over this very problematic license. And what they finally agreed to is that we won't be responsible for the actions of our users if we include, in every BoardEx record, language along the lines of "these are the very specific conditions of use for BoardEx, and in viewing or downloading this content you are agreeing to them". Sean has indicated that this is something we can do.

So at this point there's no need to pursue this request any further, but it's good for licensing purposes that CSU is now aware that licensed content in ERA is open to walk-ins. Thanks.