
Enable network process sandbox by default

uazo opened this issue · 4 comments

uazo commented

need a way to start

icacls . /grant "*S-1-15-2-2:(OI)(CI)(RX)"

after first installation

uazo commented

don't know if it works, I have to check, in any case the prompt in the sandox is different:


need to run that command from the prompt to enter the necessary acl to AppContainer.
need to find a way to launch that command via chrlauncher

uazo commented

fix android version uazo/cromite@19b40fa

uazo commented

pity to have no answer from henrypp
think of making a fork of chrlauncher

uazo commented

docs changed in uazo/cromite@19f3914

  • add the url of the installer code point that does this thing