
Chapter 16 Citation To-Dos

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Link to Bookdown citations documentation.

  • Read through chapter text, making sure that each citation is present and properly formatted.

  • Add citations from book.bib file to a new collection for the chapter in Zotero.

  • Add any missing citations manually into Zotero.

  • Create new branch for the chapter.

  • Export the chapter's .bib file as BibTeX and save into the bibliographies folder within textbook.

  • Add the .bib file into the array labeled "bibliography" within the index.Rmd file.

  • Link each inline citation to its .bib listing equivalent.

  • Make sure that each inline citation links to the corresponding reference within the bibliography section of the chapter.

  • Review chapter citations after chapter content writing has been completed.

This chapter is not done being written. Further review will be necessary.