Submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization has build errors.
faster-developer opened this issue · 4 comments
I can't get this submodule to build. With regular Gaussian splatting it is no problem, but I'm running into C++ compile issues. What could be the problem?
I am also getting issues. I'm running windows but with the original repo it is fine.
I had errors of missing compute_relocation so added the line in
from ._C import compute_relocation
And then created
#include <torch/extension.h>
// Example definition of compute_relocation
torch::Tensor compute_relocation(torch::Tensor input) {
// Dummy implementation: just return the input tensor
return input;
Then added the line in
#include "compute_relocation.cpp" // Include your compute_relocation definition
I then ran into problems with things missing because of using python 3.7.
Thanks, I'll try this out.
I then ran into problems with things missing because of using python 3.7.
If you're using Conda you can rebuild the project with a different Python version:
conda activate existing_env
conda install python=3.x.x
When compiling I still get this error:
C:\Users\xxx\gsplat\3dgs-mcmc\submodules\diff-gaussian-rasterization\cuda_rasterizer\ error:
calling a __host__ function("double ::sqrt<int, (int)0> (T1)") from a __global__ function("compute_relocation") is not allowed
C:\Users\xxx\gsplat\3dgs-mcmc\submodules\diff-gaussian-rasterization\cuda_rasterizer\ error:
identifier "sqrt<int, (int)0> " is undefined in device code
The code has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04. I updated the how to install section in readme with the correct package versions.