
why scipy imresize

Closed this issue · 6 comments


Any reason to prefer scipy version over OpenCV, skimage or PIL?

kmyi commented

I don't think so. @jiangwei221 why not PIL (which is my favourite). @ducha-aiki Is the version Wei using having any bugs here?

No idea - I am trying to run it locally on my laptop, where I cannot install required scipy version. So far I am replacing it with skimage.transform.resize and skimage.transform.rescale in order to run it.

It works with skimage, at least on the handlabeled keypoints from the WxBS ground truth ;) and I managed to run it without cuda!


Hi, I've removed the dependency on misc.imresize, and replaced with cv2.resize. There is no specific reason that I choose imresize over others. I checked the values for both uint8 resize and float number resize, and the numbers match.

Nah, cv2.resize != misc.imresize. My previous check must be wrong.

Moved to PIL