
about the system/*.yml

DIVE128 opened this issue · 7 comments

conda env create -f hardnet.yml
about 60 packages not found

Solving environment: failed

  • pillow==5.2.0=py35heded4f4_0
  • openssl==1.0.2u=h516909a_0
  • expat==2.2.6=he6710b0_0
  • freeglut==3.0.0=hf484d3e_5
  • icu==58.2=h9c2bf20_1


Which OS are you running on?

Which OS are you running on?

Thanks for your reply. It's windows 10

Which OS are you running on?

Thanks for your reply. It's windows 10

I try to move these packages to - pip of the hardnet.yml and run conda env create -f hardnet.yml again then some of them says the version is not found

Try to remove all hashes in .yml file, e.g.

pillow==5.2.0=py35heded4f4_0 -> pillow==5.2.0

The hashes are different for each OS.
Anyway, it would be a miracle, if everything would work on Windows, as we never tried it ourselves...

Try to remove all hashes in .yml file, e.g.

pillow==5.2.0=py35heded4f4_0 -> pillow==5.2.0

The hashes are different for each OS.
Anyway, it would be a miracle, if everything would work on Windows, as we never tried it ourselves...

so,will it work if it's a linux system?

Conda yml as is? Yes, that is working on Ubuntu, also on Debian and afaik on CentOS.

Conda yml as is? Yes, that is working on Ubuntu, also on Debian and afaik on CentOS.

thank you